Subimport AppendStringToFile(cleanedStringpolars Asas String)pl
for i, entry in enumerate(a_list):
Dim fileNum As Integertry:
Dim# sanitizedStringAttempt Asto Stringcreate a DataFrame with just this entry
Dimpl.DataFrame([entry], filenameschema=["stsdf", As String"abc"])
except Exception as e:
'print(f"Error Hard-codedat filename
index filename = "C:\path\to\your\file.txt" ' Replace{i} with yourentry desired{entry}: file path ' Remove newlines (vbCr, vbLf, vbCrLf) from the input string sanitizedString = Replace(cleanedString, vbCrLf, "{e}")
sanitizedString = Replace(sanitizedString, vbCr, "") sanitizedString = Replace(sanitizedString, vbLf, "") ' Get a free file number fileNum = FreeFile ' Open the file for appending Open filename For Append As #fileNum ' Write the sanitized string to the file, followed by a newline Print #fileNum, sanitizedString ' Close the file Close #fileNumEnd Subbreak