#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage: ./ path_to_logfile
awk '
# Split the first field (20250209-13:45:02.123456) on the dash.
# dt[1] will hold "20250209", dt[2] will hold "13:45:02.123456".
split($1, dt, "-")
date_str = dt[1] # e.g. "20250209"
# Now split dt[2] ("13:45:02.123456") on the colon to get the hour.
split(dt[2], time_parts, ":")
hour = time_parts[1] # e.g. "13"
symbol = $2 # e.g. "USDCAD"
source = $3 # e.g. "MyLiquidityProvider"
# Increment a count in an associative array, keyed by date, hour, symbol, source.
counts[date_str, hour, symbol, source]++
# Print header (optional)
# print "DATE", "HOUR", "SYMBOL", "SOURCE", "COUNT"
# Loop over all keys in counts.
for (key in counts) {
# The key format is "date_str SUBSEP hour SUBSEP symbol SUBSEP source".
split(key, parts, SUBSEP)
date_str = parts[1]
hour = parts[2]
symbol = parts[3]
source = parts[4]
count = counts[key]
print date_str, hour, symbol, source, count
' "$LOGFILE" | sort